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Gems For Infections - How They Can Help Heal Your Body?

Since the beginning of time, one of the main ways that gemstones were used was to protect against or cure different diseases. COVID-19 is spreading all over the world, making it more important than ever to protect against viral infections using gemstones for infections.

Karen Reynolds
Karen Reynolds
Jul 18, 20234.7K Shares276.7K Views

Since the beginning of time, one of the main ways that gemstones were used was to protect against or cure different diseases. COVID-19 is spreading all over the world, making it more important than ever to protect against viral infections using gemstones for infections.

Here is some history about 5 gemstones that our ancestors thought could help them fight off viruses and infections.

5 Gemstones For Infections

Angelite Gemstone

Soft rock-formed angelite

COPYRIGHT_BER: Published on https://barnacho.nyc/gems-for-infections/ by Karen Reynolds on 2022-10-31T10:01:24.791Z

Angelite is a strong healing stone. It also helps keep the environment or the body safe. Angelite gets rid of fear, anger, and worry, replacing them with faith and peace. Pain and chaos are changed into wholeness and healing by Angelite.

It gives you a deep sense of peace and calm. Angelite stimulates healing.

Pyrite Gemstone

Triangular pyrite stone

Pyrite is a powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all kinds of negative vibrations and/or energy. It does this on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels.

Pyrite calls on the energies of the universe to turn on the body's nourishing energies. It promotes the idea that people should be healthy, smart, and happy.

Malachite Gemstone

Striped rock-formed malachite stone

The beautiful green stone is a symbol of power and strength. The word "malachite" comes from the Greek word "malakee" or "malache," which means "soft" because the stone looks like mallow leaves.

Malachite is mostly used to boost the immune system and ease pain and cramps of all kinds. It works really well to heal the throat. The green color of this stone helps to heal infections in the body that were caused by microorganisms.

Turquoise Gemstone

Oblong turquoise stone

Lung problems can be caused by a wide variety of viruses and infections. Even though it was not intended for internal consumption, turquoise was once recommended to treat lung ailments in the past.

Jacinth Gemstone

Oblong Jacinth stone

It was believed that whoever wore a jacinth or hyacinth, which is a reddish-orange variety of the birthstone zircon, would be granted the ability to travel through infected areas without being harmed.

How To Choose The Right Gemstone For Infections?

There are many things that can cause infections, but when it comes to the gemstones used to treat them, there are a few things to think about.

The type of infection is the first thing to think about. For example, if you have an infection in your teeth, you would want to use a type of stone that is good for dental problems. If you have an infection in your stomach or intestines, you should use a type of stone that is good for digestive problems.

The second thing to think about is where the infection is. For example, if you have an infection in your mouth, throat, or another area, you should use a stone with antibacterial properties, such as turquoise or jade.

If it's on your skin or lymph nodes, you should use stones like amethyst and rose quartz, which are gentler on the skin than other stones with more antibacterial properties.

People Also Ask

What Is The Best Gem For Healing?

Quartz (Rose and Clear)

Dr. Kim says that clear quartz is called the "master healer" because it helps you align all of your chakras and connects energetically to all other crystals.

Which Gemstone Is Good For Skin Disease?

Rose quartz is such a gentle stone that it helps people with sensitive skin the most. It is also a cool stone, so it can be used to treat rosacea, eczema, and rashes, all of which cause inflammation.

What Stone Is For Healing And Strength?

Amethyst is a beautiful purple stone that is said to give the person who wears it strength, courage, and peace. These advantages can help the body heal. This peaceful stone with calm energy may help you get in touch with your creativity.

Final Words

Some people think that what you want to heal with the gemstone is more important than what kind of gemstone you use. To see results, you should keep wearing the stone until you no longer feel any pain or discomfort.

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