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A Buyer’s Guide To Green Gemstones - Choosing Your Perfect Jewel

Experience the magic of green gemstones! Elevate your jewelry collection with their lush brilliance. Explore our handpicked selection and find the perfect gem to adorn yourself.

Lee Moon
Lee Moon
Jan 22, 202459 Shares11.8K Views
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  1. Quick Guide To Green Gemstones
  2. Agate
  3. Ammolite
  4. Aventurine
  5. Beryl
  6. Boulder Opal
  7. Chalcedony
  8. Chrysoprase
  9. Drusy
  10. Emerald
  11. Garnet
  12. Gaspeite
  13. Jade
  14. Jasper
  15. Malachite
  16. Peridot
  17. Sapphire
  18. Topaz
  19. Tourmaline
  20. Variscite
  21. Zoisite
  22. Other Green Gemstones
  23. Green, Green, Green!

Green gemstonescaptivate with their natural allure, offering a spectrum of shades that mirror the beauty of the earth.

From the deep emerald green to the vibrant hues of peridot and jade, these gemstones hold a timeless appeal.

Revered for their connection to nature and symbolizing renewal and growth, green gemstones have adorned jewelryfor centuries.

Quick Guide To Green Gemstones

Jewelry with green gemstones comes in a variety of different shades, including:

apple greenlime green
emerald greenmalachite
forest greenmoss green
grassy greenolive green
Kelly greensea green

When someone asks you to name a green gemstone you most probably think of emerald or jade, but there are many other green stones, including peridot and zircon.

In addition to these, there are a number of other stones which occur in various shades of green or have green inclusions, namely:

malachiteuvarovite garnet (drusy)
opals with green “fire”--

Enumerated below are some common and uncommon green gemstones:


Agate is the Mystical birthstone for September. It is also the birth stone for the Zodiac sign of Gemini.

It’s the accepted gemstone for the 12th and 14th wedding anniversaries.

A hard stone, usually within the range of 7 to 9 on the Mohs scale, agates are found in all colors of the rainbow, although green and blue are quite rare.

Some quick facts:

Crystal systemhexagonal
Specific gravity2.57 to 2.64
Lusterdull vitreous to greasy
Transparencytransparent or opaque
Fractureconchoidal to splintery

Agate is a variety of chalcedony formed from layers of quartz, which usually show varicolored bands. It usually occurs as rounded nodules or veins.

Some named varieties are:

  • eye agate
  • moss agate
  • plume agate, which looks like it’s filled with beautiful feather plumes

Agate is a relatively inexpensive stone except for some varieties, with unusual banded or scenic markings.

A polished oval-shaped moss agate with green map-like patterns

In recent years, Montana agate has gained wide acceptance in jewelry and well-cut stones with nicely defined patterns often exceed the price of some of the more well-known gemstones.

Plume agate is another that often brings high dollar.

Agate is found all over the world, including:

Germanythe U.S.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Agate is believed to discern truth and accept circumstances as well as to be a powerful emotional healer.

Legend says that Agate also:

  • improves memory and concentration
  • increases stamina
  • encourages honesty

Agate is said to be particularly beneficial to people born under the sign of Gemini as it helps them to remain calm and focused.

It’s believed to:

  • prevent insomnia
  • ensure pleasant dreams
  • enhance personal courage
  • protect one against danger

Moreover, it:

  • provides a calming influence
  • improves perception and concentration
  • helps to develop one’s analytical skills


Mined in Alberta, Canada, ammolite was recognized by the International Colored Gemstone Commission (ICGC) in 1981 as a new organic gemstone and is considered the rarest gemstone in the world.

The name “ammonite” is derived from the ancient Egyptian god named Ammon who believed these creatures were divine. Ammon is represented in ancient literature by the head of a ram with twisted spiral horns that are reminiscent of an ammonites spiraled shells.

Pliny the Elder, the Roman historian, considered ammonite to be the holiest of stones because he believed it would summon dreams of prophesy.

An irregularly-shaped green ammolite with six sides and some shades of red and yellow

Ammolite is the mineralized remains of an ammonite, the predecessor to the nautilus.

This creature swam the oceans from the Paleozoic to the end of the Cretaceous era 65 to 70 million years ago and had coiled shells with chambers that filled with gas and provided both buoyancy and propulsion in the water.

Although fossilized ammonites are found all over the world, supplies of the colorful iridescent gem-quality ammolite are found only in southern Alberta, Canada, and only about 5% of this material actually yields gemstone material.

Ammolite forms from the mineralized remains of the ammonite shell, which was exposed to:

  • tectonic pressure
  • mineralization
  • intense heat

It’s composed of:

a. 97% aragonite

b. 1% iron

c. 1% silica

d. 1% trace minerals, such as:


It’s aragonite that is responsible for the beautiful and intense color play in the stone.

The aragonite crystalsform thin scales and/or layers of various thickness, and as light hits these layers, it’s diffracted and exhibits the intense colors of the rainbow seen in gem-quality ammolite, such as:

  • reds
  • yellows
  • greens
  • blues

Ammolite is sold in its natural form, as a doublet or as a triplet.

A triplet is made of a dark gray layer of shale on the bottom and a cap of clear optical quartz or synthetic spinel on top.

Most ammolite is sold in triplet form.

Ammonite is extremely fragile and the top layer protects the stone and helps to show off the brilliant color flash while the bottom layer adds thickness and additional protection.

Natural ammolite is a 3.5 - 4 on the Mohs scale and is extremely delicate and brittle, but triplets with protective clear quartz or spinel caps increase the hardness to 7 to 8.5, making the stone more durable for jewelry:

Standardexhibits one or more distinct colors
Aexhibits two or more play of colors
A+a stone that displays two or three bright colors
AAexhibits three or more brilliant sharp colors

Ammolite is sold in four grades according to its color and brilliance.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

The legend of ammolite goes back to the Blackfoot tribe of North America. Ammolite was discovered by the native Indians and used by them for years to ward off evil spirits.

It’s believed by some Feng Shui masters that ammolite absorbed cosmic energy from the universe and, through the stone, it gives the owner:

  • health
  • wealth
  • enlightenment

Considered a high energy stone, it’s said to enhance the following among visitors and occupants of a home:

  • harmony
  • vitality
  • overall well-being

Ammonite with layers of ammolite is thought to:

  • enhance the flow of Qi (life energy)
  • radiate strength
  • alter negative energy to positive energy

It’s said that even for those that don’t believe in Feng Shui, the presence of ammolite is considered beneficial.

Students of Feng Shui believe that ammolite absorbed the knowledge of the universe and that benefits are gained by anyone near it.

The colors of ammolite represent the harmonious balance of:

  • fire
  • earth
  • metal
  • water
  • wood


Aventurine is a translucent to opaque variety of microcrystalline quartz.

It contains small inclusions of shiny minerals which give the stone a sparkling effect known as aventurescence. Inclusions of mica will give a silverish sheen, while inclusions of hematite give a reddish or grayish sparkle.

It is interesting that the name for the stone is derived from an accident.

Sometime during the 18th century, Venetian glass workers were preparing molten glass when copper filings accidentally fell into the batch producing a glass with sparkles.

The name aventurinecomes from the Italian a ventura, which means “by chance.”

Seven pieces of polished oval-shaped aventurine gemstones in different colors, with one in green

Aventurine ranges in color from:

  • green
  • creamy green
  • peach
  • brown
  • blue

Besides its uses in jewelry, aventurine is also used for ornamental purposes like vases, bowls, and figurines.

Aventurine is a 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This mineral is often mistaken for amazoniteor jade.

Deposits are found in:


Aventurine is the Star Sign for Libra and the Planetary stone of Taurus.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Aventurine has been used as a lucky talisman and is a popular stone for gamblers.

Legends say that it is an all-purpose healer, used to:

  • reduce stress
  • develop confidence
  • enliven one’s imagination
  • improve prosperity

A legend from ancient Tibet also says that aventurine was used to:

  • improve nearsightedness
  • increase the wearer’s creativity

Many believe that aventurine has the capacity to calm a troubled spirit and bring about inner peace.


Beryls are some of the most valuable of all the colored gemstones.

The name is from ancient Greek, beryllosand means “precious blue-green color.”

Pure beryl is colorless but it also occurs in pink when tinted by impurities as well as a variety of colors, including:

blue to blue-greenred

Some of these beryls are named:

  • goshenite(the colorless form)
  • bixbite(red; very rare)
  • heliodoror golden beryl(yellow-green)
  • morganite(pink)
Seven polished beryl gemstones mostly in circle and oval shape, with one rectangular green beryl

Aquamarines and emeralds are actually a variety of beryl.

Dark blue beryls are available today that are actually light colored beryls treated with radiation, much in the same manner as blue topaz.

Beryl is a 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale and is found in:

California, USARussia

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Legend says that beryl was used to ward off demons and evil spirits.

Ancient literature notes that Roman author and naturalist Pliny the Elder used powdered beryl to cure eye injuries.

It’s said to:

  • protect travelers from danger
  • treat disorders of the heart and spine

Other legends about beryl indicate it was used to:

  • promote cheerfulness and marital love
  • retard laziness
  • maintain youthfulness

Golden beryl is said to make one sympathetic and sincere.

Boulder Opal

The gemstone Opalis the official October birthstoneas adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912.

It’s also the birth stone for the Zodiac sign of Libra.

Boulder opalis found in Australia, where precious opal forms in veins and patches within brown ironstone boulders. When the opal is mixed through the ironstone, it’s called matrix opal.

Hardness ranges between 5.5 and 6 on the Mohs scale.

A long, almost pointed, irregularly-shaped green boulder opal

Boulder opal is very durable due to the ironstone backing the opal forms on. Because water content within the opal is very low, it almost never cracks or crazes as it ages.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

The healing properties of boulder opal includes:

  • aiding in developing inner beauty
  • establishing faithfulness
  • improving eyesight
  • helping recall past lives

Opal is also listed as a birth/natal or star stone in the following birthstone tables:

BirthstoneMonth or Zodiac Sign
Sun Sign (Star Sign)Libra, October


Chalcedony and its named varieties are well represented in various birthstone charts and can be found for all the months, except January, April, and November. It’s also listed as a birthstone for all the Zodiac signs, except Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.

The term chalcedony is derived from the name of the ancient Greek town Chalcedon in Asia Minor.

Chalcedony is found in almost every color, including:

bluelight to dark green
brownish redwhite

In the case of agates and jaspers, combinations of those colors.

Chalcedony, which is found worldwide, is the name for a group of stones made of a microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, which means the quartz crystals are too small to be seen without high magnification.

A polished oval-shaped dark green bloodstone dotted with different shades

In jewelry usage, the name Chalcedony is usually applied only to the light blue translucent and waxy form.

Other stones in this group are know as:

bloodstone or blood jasperonyx
carnelianpetrified dinosaur bone
chrysocollapetrified wood
fire agatetiger’s eye

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Native American Indians believed chalcedony was a sacred stone and used in the spiritual ceremonies of the tribe.

It is thought to:

  • increase vitality, stamina, and endurance
  • promote emotional balance and charity
  • relieve melancholy, fever, and gallstone and eye problems


Chrysoprase is one of the Star Signs for Gemini.

The gemstone Chrysoprase is an opalescent apple green colored variety of chalcedony (quartz).

Nine pieces of polished small and large green chrysoprase cabochons in different shapes

Most green stones owe their color to chromium or vanadium, but chrysoprase derives its color from the nickel content.

The rarest of the chalcedony group, it’s found in:

Australiathe Ural Mountains
Brazilthe U.S.

Chrysoprase was used by the Greeks, Romans, and the Egyptians in jewelry and other ornamental objects, and because of its semi-opaque green color, it is often mistaken for Imperial jadeite.

One of the most valuable chalcedony gem stones, chrysoprase is prized for its color and rarity, it’s a 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Gentle, soothing, and friendly, it’s believed to:

  • provide spiritual protection
  • prevent depression
  • increases grace and equilibrium
  • increase fertility


Drusy (plural form: drusies), druse, druzy - different spellings, but they all mean tiny quartz crystals that form within or on the surface of other stones.

When ground water carrying dissolved silica is forced into a porous area of the rock, rapid cooling often occurs, causing the formation of tiny crystals on the surfaces or in cavities of the rock.

A triangular green uvarovite

The clear crystals often form on top of previously deposited minerals. This is called a drusy.

Some minerals found in this form are:


Titanium drusy is agate drusy that has been coated with titanium in a vacuum chamber. It produces a permanent metal coating in spectacular shades of:

  • night
  • dark blue
  • iridescent white


The name Emerald is derived from the French esmeraudeand the Greek root smaragdos, which means “green gemstone.” It’s the name given the green variety of beryl and ranges between 7.5 and 8 on the Mohs scale.

This gem is suggested as an anniversary gift for the 20th and 35th anniversaries and as an alternate stone for the 55th wedding anniversary.

Emerald is the only stone, besides Topaz, that is listed in all of the ancient birthstone tables.

A polished rectangular green emerald

Top quality emeralds are a deep grass green with a slightly bluish cast, but many lesser quality stones are lighter shades of green and can have a more yellowish tone.

Emeralds are found in many countries, but Columbia and Brazil are the major producers. Columbia is recognized as the source for the finest stones.

They’re also found in:

IndiaSouth Africa
Norwaythe U.S.

Because emeralds usually contain many cracks, fissures, and inclusions, the majority of these stones are “oiled.”

This means that they are immersed in oil, which:

  • reduces the visibility of the inclusions
  • improves the clarity

Oiling is almost universal and because it’s so common today, it’s not considered necessary to disclose this fact.

Emeralds are brittle stones and care should be taken when wearing or cleaning them. They should never be immersed in an ultrasonic or subjected to steam cleaning.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Emeralds are worn to enhance love and contentment. They’re also used as amulets to:

  • ward off epilepsy in children
  • cure diseases of the eye

Folklore suggests that these stones will:

  • improve memory and intelligence
  • enhance clairvoyance; thus, helping to predict future events

Cleopatra prized emeralds above all other gems.

Emerald is listed as a birthstone in this birthstone table:

BirthstoneMonth or Zodiac Sign
Modern and TraditionalMay
ZodiacCancer, Taurus


The green gemstone Garnet is the official birthstone for January as adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912. It’s also the stone for the Zodiac sign Aquarius.

Garnet may be given as a gem on the 2nd and 6th wedding anniversary.

Garnet occurs in every color except blue and most varieties are named for their color:

  • rhodolite- a purplish red
  • hessonite- the name for an orange, cinnamon, or pinkish variety
  • uvaroviteand demantoid- also of green varieties
  • pyrope garnets- purplish red, orangy red, crimson, or dark red
  • spessartite garnets- range from yellow and orange through red to reddish brown to dark black/brown
  • tsavorite- the name given to dark green grossularite
A rectangular green tsavorite garnet with polished surface

Color change garnets exhibit an “alexandrite-like” effect when viewed in natural light or artificial lighting.

Garnets range from a 7.0 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness and are found in:

ArgentinaSouth Africa
Myanmar (Burma)U.S. (Arizona)

Garnets are formed when high temperatures and/or pressure is a factor and geologists often use garnets as a gauge of the amount of temperature and pressure that was present during their formation.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Garnet’s powers include:

  • healing
  • strength
  • protection

It’s often worn to relieve inflammations of the skin.

A rectangular demantoid green garnet with polished surface and in a bright shade of green

Garnet is also believed to:

  • regulate the heart and blood flow
  • aid in curing depression

In earlier times, garnets were exchanged as gifts between friends to demonstrate their affection for each other and to insure that they meet again.

Garnet is also listed as a birth/natal or star stone in the following birthstone tables:

BirthstoneMonth or Zodiac Sign
Arabic, Ayurvedic, Hebrew, Modern, Roman, TraditionalJanuary
Sun Sign (Star Sign)Aquarius, Capricorn


Gaspeiteis a relatively rare mineral, found only in a few localities.

Its light green, almost apple green color is quite unique and some varieties are almost a neon green. It may contain brownish patches which may give it a distinctive character.

Gaspeite is found around nickel sulfide deposits and is named for the locality of Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec, Canada, where it was originally found. Sources are Canada and Western Australia.

Hardness is 4.5 - 5 on the Mohs scale.

Two pieces of polished green gaspeite, one oval and a bigger one that is trapezoidal but with curvy sides

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

As a fairly recent discovery in 1966, this mineral has no known folk lore, although it’s mentioned that the Aborigines used gaspeite to bring about good fortune.

As a healing stone, it is thought to reduce stress and help with problems related to the:

  • heart
  • gallbladder
  • lungs

Metaphysically, it is thought to bring spirituality into everyday life.


Jade is listed as the Mystical birthstonefor the month of March and the birthstone for the Sun Sign Virgo.

It may be given as a gem on the 12th, 30th, and 35th wedding anniversary.

Jade is the term applied to forms of jadeite and nephrite.

A polished oval-shaped green jadeite

These minerals are similar in appearance and a distinction between the two often was not made. But, because of its more intense color and translucency, jadeite now brings higher prices and is thought to be the true jade

The most valuable form of jade is known as imperial jade and comes from Myanmar in an emerald green color.

Jades also appear in mottled green and white, and the rarer colors of:

  • yellow
  • pink
  • purple
  • black

The range of greens are light to dark, creamy, grayish, and also white. A leek green variety called “Russian Jade” is found near Lake Baikal in Russia.

Eleven pieces jade in different shapes but mostly oval ones and varying shades of green

Jade is also found in Mexico and in Central and South America.

Because of its smooth even texture, jade has long been a preferred material for carving and is usually cut into cabochons for jewelry.

The color of the stone is the most important factor but translucency and texture are important criteria determining price. Jade is a 6 1/2 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

It’s thought to protect the:

  • kidneys
  • liver
  • spleen
  • heart
  • larynx
  • thymus
  • thyroid

Ancient people thought that wearing jade would increase body strength and add longevity. Jade is also an ancient symbol of love and virtue.


Jasper is one of the birth stones listed for the Sun Sign of Virgo. It is also the Mystical birthstone for the month of October.

A 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, Jasper is the state rock of Massachusetts, USA.

An opaque and fine grained variety of Chalcedony, it’s found in all colors including:

shades of bluepink
brownshades of purple

It often contains organic material and mineral oxides which give it interesting patterns, bands, and colors.

Many of these patterns resemble landscapes with mountains and valleys. Thus, the word “picture” is part of the name of many well-known jaspers.

A polished jasper in an inverted triangle position but with curved sides and in two major shades, with one darker

Jasper was a favorite gem in ancient times and is referenced in the following literature:

  • Assyrian
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Latin

Found worldwide, a wide variety of named jaspers is found in the western areas of the Unites States:


Picture jasper is a petrified or silicated mud that dripped into gas pockets in molten lava. It became superheated and then solidified forming the unusual banded patterns, which are typical of this stone.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Poppy Jasperis said to help bring joy into life. Opalite Jasper is said to help one sleep.

Legend says that Jasper would drive away evil spirits and protect against snake and spider bites. In the fourth century, it was thought to bring about the rain.

Jasper can align all the chakras(“spiritual energy”) and balance yinand yangenergies and is also:

  • protective
  • stabilizing
  • healing


Malachite is a popular stone which has light and dark green banded areas.

Many beautiful specimens of malachite contain special combinations with other minerals, such as:

  • azurite
  • cuprite
  • chrysocolla

Malachite can be found in:

Arizona, USAGermany
AustraliaNew Mexico, USA
Chilethe former Soviet Union

It ranges between 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Its powers include:

  • protection
  • power
  • peace
  • love
  • success in business
Nine pieces of differently shaped green malachite gemstones and some with patterns and shades of black

It’s also worn to detect impending danger and is assumed to break into pieces when danger is near. Considered to be the guardian stone of travelers, malachite likewise:

  • promotes inner peace and hope
  • provides protection and security


Peridot is the official birthstone for the month of August as adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912. It’s also the stone for the Zodiac sign of Libra.

Peridot may be given as a gem on the 16th wedding anniversary.

For as long as I can remember, I have pronounced this gem as “pear-a-doe,” and, until recently, believed this was correct. Someone took the time to write informing me that the correct pronunciation is actually per’i-dot.

However, it seems that pear-a-doe may have come into common usage as I found two dictionaries that offer both pronunciations.

Thirteen pieces of polished green peridot, with two in rectangle and others in circle and oval

Peridot is the gem variety of olivine and ranges between 6.5 and 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Sometimes found in meteorites, gem-quality peridot comes from:

  • Arizona, USA
  • Hawaii
  • Myanmar
  • Norway
  • islands in the Red Sea

It’s been mined as a gemstone for thousands of years and is mentioned in the Bible under the name of Chrysolite.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Legend says that peridot was one of the favorite gemstones of Cleopatra and that some of the “emeralds” worn by her were actually peridot.

It’s thought to bring the wearer:

  • good luck
  • peace
  • success

Its powers also include health, protection, and sleep.

The advantages of peridot are to:

  • attract love
  • calm anger
  • sooth nerves
  • dispel negative emotions

Peridot is also listed as a birth/natal or star stone in this birthstone table:

BirthstoneMonth or Zodiac Sign
Sun Sign (Star Sign)Libra


Sapphireis the official birthstone for the month of September as adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912.

It’s also one of the birth stones for the following Zodiac signs:

  • Pisces
  • Taurus
  • Virgo
  • Sagittarius

Sapphire is given as a gem for the 5th, 23rd, and 45th wedding anniversaries while a star sapphireis given on the 65th wedding anniversary.

Sapphire is the non-red variety of corundum (the red variety of corundum is ruby). A 9.0 on the Mohs scale of hardness, sapphire is the second hardest natural mineral.

Blue is by far the most popular color for sapphires, but they can be almost any color, including:


Padparadschais the name for a rare orange-pink variety of sapphire and has a higher value than blue sapphires.

Sapphires with inclusions of tiny, rutile needles exhibit an optical property called asterism. This is the star-shaped effect seen in star sapphires and is usually only seen in cabochon cuts.

Star sapphires usually have six ray stars, but twelve ray stars are also known.

Rarely, when sapphires are cut en cabochon (French for “in the manner of a cabochon”), they can demonstrate a cat’s eye effect. This effect displays a thin band of light down the center of the stone and is known as chatoyancy.

Heating colorless and very pale blue sapphires to high temperatures is done to give them an intense blue color This treatment can also improve the clarity of the stones by removing tiny inclusions.

A polished green sapphire shaped like an inverted triangle but with curved sides

A rare variety of sapphire, known as color changing sapphire, exhibits different colors in different light.

A color change sapphireis blue in natural light, and violet in artificial light. A similar effect is also seen in alexandrite.

Sapphire was first created synthetically in 1902 and is hard to distinguish from natural sapphires except by gemologists. Also:

  • Lab-grown sapphires range in price.
  • Smaller stones are frequently used in less expensive jewelry.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Its powers include spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.

Sapphire is believed to offer healing properties for:

  • rheumatism
  • colic
  • mental illness

It’s also considered an antidepressant and an aid to:

  • psychokinesis
  • telepathy
  • clairvoyance
  • astral projection


The name “topaz” comes from a Sanskrit term that means “fire.”

Topaz is:

  • the birthstone of November (yellow topaz) and December (blue topaz)
  • a talisman for the sign of Sagittarius
  • the suggested anniversary gemstone for the 4th, 19th, or 23rd year of marriage

Although topaz is a very hard gemstone, an 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness, it can be split with a single blow and should be protected from hard knocks.

A shiny and polished rectangular green topaz

Topaz occurs in a wide range of colors, including:


Naturally pale to medium blue topaz is enhanced by irradiation to produce a more intense blue color.

It’s found in:

PakistanSri Lanka

Red and pink topaz gems were used in the jewelry of the 18th and 19th Century Russian Czarinas and is why topaz is sometimes called “Imperial Topaz.”

The most famous topaz is actually a colorless topaz that was originally thought to be a diamond. It’s a 1680 carat stone known as the “Braganza Diamond” set in the Portuguese Crown Jewels.

Another beautiful topaz is in the Green Vault in Dresden, which has one of the world’s most important gem collections.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

During the Middle Ages, topaz was thought to heal both physical and mental disorders and prevent death.

The Greeks believed it had power to increase strength and to make its wearer invisible while the Romans believed it had power to improve eyesight.

The Egyptians wore it as an amulet to protect them from injury.


The gemstone tourmalineis the official birthstone for October as adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912.

It’s also the:

  • traditional birthstone for October
  • stone for the Zodiac sign of Leo
  • accepted gem for the 8th wedding anniversary
A polished octagon-shaped green tourmaline

The name “tourmaline” comes from the Sinhalese (Sri Lanka) word tura mali, which translates as “the stone of mixed colors.” These stones are 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs’ scale of hardness.

Tourmaline is available in a wide variety of colors:

black to bluish-blackmedium brown
blue to neon bluepink
dark brownreddish purple
lime to dark forest greenyellow

Bi-colored and multicolored tourmaline may be green at one end and pink at the other, watermelon tourmaline is green on the outside and pink on the inside.

A thick flat chunk of green watermelon tourmaline, with a shade of pink in the middle

Some stones are dichroic meaning they appear to change color when viewed from different angles.

The most expensive tourmalines are the:

  • blue indicolite
  • green verdelite
  • pink rubellite

Cat’s Eye Tourmaline exhibits a “cat’s eye” effect similar to what is commonly seen in tiger’s eye cabochons.

A polished oval chrome tourmaline in bright shade of green

Other tourmaline gemstones:

a. Chrome tourmalineis colored by chromium resulting in a beautiful green stone that is often confused with emerald or the tsavorite garnet.

b. Indicoliteis a dark blueish black stone.

c. The Paraiba tourmalineis a bright neon-blue.

d. Rubelliteis a deep reddish purple stone.

e. Schorlis the name given to black tourmalines which are the most commonly found tourmalines.

Tourmalines are mined everywhere in the world, including:

BrazilSri Lanka
Madagascarthe USA

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Ancient legend says that tourmaline is found in all colors because it traveled along a rainbow and gathered all the the rainbow’s color.

Tourmaline is believed to strengthen the body and spirit, especially the:

  • nervous system
  • blood
  • lymph

It’s also thought to inspire creativity and was used extensively as a talisman by artists and writers.


Variscite is a relatively rare phosphate mineral that is sometimes confused with chrysocolla or the greener forms of turquoise. Colors are light bluish green and medium and dark greens.

Having a waxy luster and taking a fine polish, it’s also known as:

  • barrandite
  • bolivarite
  • lucinite
  • utahlite

Variscite is found in:

Australia (Queensland)Germany
BrazilU.S. (Nevada and Utah)

A search on the web shows a wide range in hardness for this stone spanning 3.5 to 5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

A polished oval-shaped that is more elongated green variscite

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties

Variscite is regarded as a good meditation stone. It’s also known for:

  • helping with remembrance of past lives
  • balancing the central nervous system
  • easing depression, fear, worry, anxiety, and impatience

It also helps with:

  • virtue
  • self-reliance
  • moral courage
  • success

Works on astral and etheric level for healing via the central nervous system and at DNA level. Centers the solar plexus and heart chakras(energy) and is slightly helpful for intuition center.


An ornamental material consisting of crystalline aggregates of green zoisitewith non-transparent ruby inclusions, it’s found in Tanzania and the general appearance is unmistakable.

There isn’t another stone like it in the mineral world.

Four pieces of polished green zoisite stones in rectangle, oval and two circles and all with shades of pink

The green zoisite is relatively soft, between 5.5 and 6.5, while the ruby inclusions are usually quite hard, 9 on the Mohs scale.

This can make the stone difficult to cut because of the differences in hardness and usually diamond tools will be used.

Zoisite has been known for nearly two centuries as an ornamental stone.

The medium grade red ruby material is usually spread irregularly throughout the green zoisite. It’s one of the most colorful of ornamental stones.

Other Green Gemstones


Alexandrite is a rare and valuable gemstone known for its unique color-changing properties. It belongs to the chrysoberyl family of minerals.

Two multi-faceted oval-shaped alexandrite gemstones in blue and purple

The most distinctive feature of alexandrite is its ability to exhibit different colors under various lighting conditions:

  • in daylight or fluorescent light - greenish-blue to green
  • under incandescent light - purplish-red

Chrome Diopside

This gemstone contains chromium, which gives it a vibrant green color. The green color of chrome diopside is often compared to that of emerald or tsavorite garnet.

A polished oval-shaped green chrome diopside with several facets

While chrome diopside is a beautiful gemstone, it may not be as well-known or as widely used as other green gemstones like emerald or peridot.

However, its unique color and relative affordability make it an attractive option for those who appreciate green gemstones.


Maw-sit-sit is a rare gemstone that is primarily green and is found in Myanmar.

It’s known for its distinctive green color, which can range from dark green to blackish-green, often with black veining.

A polished round dark green Maw-Sit-Sit with shades of black

Also known as “chrome jade,” its unique color and rarity makes Maw-Sit-Sit a sought-after collector’s gemstone typically used in jewelry, such as:

  • beads
  • cabochons
  • carvings


Moldavite is a type of tektite, which is a glassy material that forms when a meteoriteimpacts the Earth’s surface.

A rough piece of moldavite with rough edges and a darker shade of green on its middle part

Moldavite is known for its unique green color, and it is often used in jewelry and spiritual practices.

Many people believe that moldavite has metaphysical properties and is associated with:

  • transformation
  • spiritual growth
  • positive energy


Zircon is a mineral that belongs to the group of nesosilicates.

It’s known for its brilliance and fire when properly cut and is often used as a gemstone.

A polished oval-shaped zircon in bright green and with several facets

Zircon comes in a variety of colors, including:


The blue variety is particularly popular and is sometimes used as a substitute for blue sapphire.

Green, Green, Green!

Green is the color that represents money, prosperity, employment, fertility, healing, and growth. It’s also the color of the element of the earth and is symbolic of the planet’s fertility and life.

Green is pacifying, refreshing and calming. Pale and medium greens connect with nature.

It’s suggested that wearing jewelry with green gemstones will cool, soothe, and calm us, both physically and mentally.

Wearing green is said to be an aphrodisiac, possibly based on the 15th-century tradition of green for a bride’s gown because of its earliest symbolism, heralding fertility.

So, with all these pieces of information about green, what green gemstones will you pick?

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