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Man With Metal Detector Finds 500 AD Gold Jewelry Stash

In an astonishing turn of events, a man with metal detector finds 500 ad gold jewelry stash. This extraordinary find, consisting of exquisite gold jewelry, has been heralded by archaeologists as Norway's "gold find of the century."

Lee Moon
Lee Moon
Sep 14, 20237.5K Shares100K Views
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  1. The Gold Find Of The Century

In an astonishing turn of events, a man with metal detector finds 500 AD goldjewelrystash. This extraordinary find, consisting of exquisite gold jewelry, has been heralded by archaeologists as Norway's "gold find of the century."

The Gold Find Of The Century

Bore recounted his initial reaction, saying, "At first I thought it was chocolate coins or Captain Sabertooth coins." His words echo the whimsical charm of the moment, as he uncovered a cache that turned out to be of immense historical significance. "It was totally unreal," he added, capturing the surreal nature of the discovery.

The treasure trove had three spectacular gold rings, nine lovely gold medallions from Norway, and a string of gold pearls that had originally been a part of an extravagant necklace. Additionally, there were three magnificent gold medallions.

Some of the coins found by Erlend Bore

The intricate design that is gracing the medallions, which is an image of a horse that is described in Norse mythology, is nonetheless what truly sets this find different from other conventional finds. This horse is depicted as having a mane that is braided and a tail that is curled.

The inclusion of this one-of-a-kind aesthetic component lends the discovery a higher level of historical and cultural significance than it would have otherwise had.

In August of that year, Bore, who had always held aspirations of becoming an archaeologist ever since he was a boy, happened upon this astonishing find on the field of a farmer not far from Stavanger.

This fortunate occurrence occurred as a direct result of the advice given to him by his physician to participate in greater physical exercise, which resulted in him purchasing a metal detector.

On that fateful day, just as he was about to finish his search, the metal detector all of a sudden started beeping in rapid succession. As soon as he realized the possible importance of his find, he got in touch with other archaeologists, and they ended up taking care of the excavation.

These ancient treasures, weighing just a little over 100 grams, have been dated back to approximately 500 AD, shedding light on a bygone era. Ole Madsen, the head of the University of Stavanger's Museum of Archaeology, expressed the profound significance of this find, stating:

It's the gold find of the century in Norway. To find that much gold all at once is extremely unusual.- Ole Madsen

Indeed, the last comparable discovery of this scale in Norway harks back to the 19th century.

Professor Hakon Reiersen, an expert in the field, offered insight into the possible reasons behind this hidden cache. He suggested:

Given the location of the discovery and what we know from other similar finds, this is probably a matter of either hidden valuables or an offering to the gods during dramatic times.- Professor Hakon Reiersen

This provides a glimpse into a more in-depth historical narrative, one that may have been influenced by unusual occurrences that took place during that time period.

Erlend Bore and the landowner should each be awarded a reward for their respective contributions to the discovery of the historical treasure because of the roles they played in the process.

However, the precise amount of this reward has not yet been determined, which leaves an opportunity for more suspense in this extraordinary narrative of an average person uncovering a piece of Norway's old history.

In the end, it was a doctor's recommendation combined with a recently discovered pastime that led to the discovery of a treasure, which added to Norway's cultural history in a way that had never been seen before.

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