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Muffin & Sasha

This is my newest friend. He came by way of a friend's friend and has stolen my heart!!

Muffin, patiently posing in a chair


HRH Sasha June

Sasha is my friend's constant companion and Muffin's "cousin". They love to romp and play and Sasha likes to "steal" Muffin's toys away. However, Muffin always seems to get them back - so the trade goes on and on........


Muffin, patiently waiting for a treat


more Muffin

ever hopeful - and still waiting ......


no treat? well, humpf

These photos were taken in my new studio in the office area. Notice the newspaper in the wing chair? Well that's because Muffin's one fault is that he likes to cuddle up on furniture and when no one is looking, he will hop up and suggle in.


Certainly this impeccable behavior rates several treats, don'cha think?




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This page was last updated on February 11, 2002





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