
Printable Catalog

This version of my on line catalog may be printed from your browser.  Because my work is primarily one of a kind, I may chose to include images here that are not currently on my site;  these may include pictures of work in progress and/or sold items. 

The catalog may be printed in black and white or in color based on the print settings you apply.  Quality of output and readability will depend on your printer, paper quality, and printer settings.  You may choose to print the thumbnail pages and/or the enlarged image pages.  To print, select "Print" from you browser and set the options for black and white or color.

Each page of this catalog is designed to print completely on one piece of paper, however because of various printer settings on individual printers sometimes a second, blank page may be printed.   To avoid getting the second page, set your printer to print just one page.

Wholesale inquiries welcome.  Please call for pricing.

All images/designs within this catalog are ©Bernardine Art Jewelry.  Permission to print this catalog is granted for the sole purpose of placing an order, no other permissions are granted.


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Copyright © 1998 - 2001 by Barnacho