Unique Birthstone Jewelry
Moonstone is one of the modern June birthstones and an accepted
gem for the 13th wedding anniversary. See other June
birth stones: Traditional,
Sun Signs (Star Signs), Talismanic
and Ayurvedic
birthstone charts.
Moonstone belongs to the large mineral family of feldspars.
It is an opalescent stone which can range from colorless to
blue, peach, green, pink, yellow, brown or gray with a silvery
scheen. This iridescence is known as schiller
but in moonstone it is called adularescence. Clarity ranges
from transparent to translucent. Rainbow moonstone is milky
white with a rainbow colored sheen. Moonstone is the most
valuable form of feldspar and is composed of albite, which
gives it the bluish scheen, and orthoclase feldspar.
See more moonstone
Moonstone is found in Brazil, Germany, India, Madagascar,
Mexico, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United States.
Moonstone was used in jewelry by the Romans who believed
that the stone was formed from the light of the moon. Moonstone
is considered a sacred stone in India.
It is believed to bring good fortune, to enhance passion,
and balance the yin and yang and is said to protect women
and children. In early times, it was believed that one could
see the future if the stone was held in the mouth during a
full moon. According to legend, moonstone will ensure abundant
Moonstone's healing properties are said to promote digestion,
to protect against epilepsy, to calm emotions, cure headaches
and nose bleeds, and protect against sun stroke.