October Birthstones Sun/Star, Planetary and Talismanic Stones for:
There are fourteen different stones listed as birthstones for the calendar month of October, or as Sun/Star, Planetary, or Talismanic stones for the Zodiac sign of Libra or Scorpio. Because these two Zodiac signs span part of October, both are listed in this table. Birthstones for the calendar month of October are opal, tourmaline, jasper, aquamarine, coral, and beryl. The Zodiac signs of Libra and Scorpio include eight additional stones: peridot, sapphire, lapis, agate, topaz, garnet, ruby, and amethyst.
Opal |
Tourmaline |
Jasper |
Aquamarine |
Coral |
Beryl |
Peridot |
Sapphire |
Lazuli |
Agate |
Topaz |
Garnet |
Amethyst |
Birthstones by Month Pictures of Birth Stones by Color: back to birthstone jewelry back to birthstone colors |
Sources of Information: The Curious Lore of Precious Stones by G.F. Kunz. J.D. Lippincott. 1913 International Colored Gemstone Association http://gemstone.org Gemstones of the World by Walter Schumann. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Gems and Jewelry by Joel E. Arem. Geoscience Press. 1992 Gems in Myth, Legend, and Lore by Bruce G. Knuth. Jeweler's Press 1999 Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason. Vega 2003 |
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