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Crystals For Long Distance Healing - Healing's Magical Power

When we talk about crystals and healing, we usually mean crystal energy, which is the vibration that a crystal gives off when it touches another object or person. This vibration is picked up by our minds and bodies, and it can change how we feel, think, and feel in our bodies. This guide will cover everything you need to know about crystals for long-distance healing.

Barbara Mitchell
Oct 21, 202267 Shares1.3K Views
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  1. About Distance Healing And How It Works
  2. Crystal Selections For Long-Distance Healing
  3. Importance Of Crystals For Distant Healing
  4. People Also Ask
  5. Final Words

When we talk about crystalsand healing, we usually mean crystal energy, which is the vibration that a crystal gives off when it touches another object or person. This vibration is picked up by our minds and bodies, and it can change how we feel, think, and feel in our bodies.

This guide will cover everything you need to know about crystals for long distance healing. We'll talk about how they work when to use them, and which crystals are best for each situation.

About Distance Healing And How It Works

Distance healing is exactly what it sounds like: a type of healing that is done on someone from a long way away. This means that you don't have to be in the same room as someone or right next to them to heal them.

Setting an intention and focusing your energy on someone you want to heal makes distance healing work. Most of us can't see energy, but just like radio waves can be heard but not seen, that doesn't mean it isn't working.

According to the National Library of Medicine, as of 2000, there were about 14,000 distant healers in the UK. This was more than any other type of complementary or alternative medicine therapist (CAM).

Crystal Selections For Long-Distance Healing

Amethyst Crystal

Pointed Amethyst crystal

Amethystis most often used to heal the third eye chakra and the crown chakra. Amethyst is a self-sufficient stone, which means it can change the way other crystals vibrate and clean them of trauma and bad energy.

Rose Quartz Crystal

Pointed Rose Quartz crystal

The Rose Quartzcrystal is known to be one of the most loving stones in the world. Its energy is soothing, regenerative, and overflowing with unconditional love; these qualities make it capable of mending any and all parts of the self.

Clear Quartz Crystal

Pointed Clear Quartz crystal

Clear Quartz is often referred to as "The Master Healer" because of its ability to assist in the healing of issues relating to the mind, body, and spirit, in addition to the crown chakra.

Citrine Crystal

Rock-formed Citrine crystal

Citrineis considered to be one of the most effective stones for removing financial obstacles from a person's life. Additionally, it has a resonance with the chakra located in the solar plexus.

Importance Of Crystals For Distant Healing

Using crystals is a great way to stay in touch with someone who lives far away. People say that the crystal amplifies your thoughts and feelings so that the person you want to connect with can feel them.

Crystals that have a strong vibration and can be used from a long distance are the best ones for long-distance healing. For example, amethyst (the one we discussed above) is a great stone for healing because it has a strong vibration that can help you feel more calm and relaxed. This makes it easier to connect with the person you want to heal.

SEND HEALING Energy To Someone Guided Meditation. Distance Healing For Emotional or Physical Healing

People Also Ask

Is Distance Healing As Effective As Healing In Person?

Energy is all around us and makes up everything. So, it doesn't matter if you are right next to your client or if you are on the other side of the world. No matter where you are, energy is energy. Thoughts are made of energy, which is why all methods of healing depend on our intention for them to work.

What Crystals Do I Need?

Some of the best crystals for beginners to use include Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian, Hematite, Moonstone, Black Obsidian, Selenite, Pyrite, Black Tourmaline, and Citrine.

How Do I Charge My Crystal?

  • Placing them under the full moon.
  • Soak them in moon water.
  • Bury them in the ground.
  • Give them a sound bath.
  • Burn incense or herbs over them.
  • Immerse them in salt.
  • Use your breath to charge them.
  • Connect them to your spirit guides.

Final Words

There are a lot of different healing crystals, and each one helps in a different way, depending on what you need at the time.

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