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Example pages showing previous Custom Designs


Listed below are some examples of design pages I've created when someone, (maybe like you ?) is interested in a custom, one of a kind piece of jewelry.


And, this is this process I use to work with you in creating a unique piece you will enjoy and be proud to wear:

After talking with you, via email and/or phone, about the stones, shape, overall size and estimated price, I work up a design based on our discussions. Next, I will create a private page with a draft design of the jewelry, including images of actual stones. Sometimes, the design is laid out on paper patterns which show the shape of the piece and, sometimes, I am able to use an existing piece of my jewelry substituting different stone(s) or stone shapes. I use a graphic editor (Paint Shop Pro) to modify the images so you can see what the piece will look like when it is finished.


At that point, we have an actual picture to work from and you can make suggestions, comments or revisions. This way, when we arrive at a final design, we both know what the piece will look like and, to paraphrase, you can be sure that not only did I hear what you said, but that I understood what you wanted. smilie face


Some of the pages below show both the draft of the design and an image of the finished jewelry, some don't. It just depends on whether I was able to take a good photo before I mailed the piece off.


I consider it an exceptional and unbelievable privledge that I am able to do what I enjoy most - make jewelry and cut stones. On top of that, I also have the incredible opportunity to work with customers, family and friends to create something of beauty that will be treasured, either as a gift, worn for a special occasion or "just because you deserve it"!


Please call or email me if you want to work together on a special piece.



Click on the type of jewelry to see one or more of these previously created custom design pages.



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(6 examples)

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This page was last updated on March 18, 2002






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