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The Healing And Calming Properties Of March Crystal - Aquamarine

The March birthstone is a type of crystal called "march crystal." It is known for its beauty and its ability to heal, and it is often used to make jewelry and other decorations. March crystal can be clear, blue, or purple but those are the most common colors.

Lee Moon
Lee Moon
Jan 17, 20233Shares215Views
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  1. History And Formation Of March Crystal
  2. Characteristics And Properties Of March Crystal
  3. Uses And Applications Of March Crystal
  4. People Also Ask
  5. Final Thoughts

The March birthstoneis a type of crystal called "March crystal." It is known for its beauty and its ability to heal, and it is often used to make jewelryand other decorations. March crystal can be clear, blue, or purple but those are the most common colors.

People think that the crystal formed millions of years ago. It can be found in many places around the world. It is also known for its ability to boost energy and thought, which makes it a popular choice for crystal healingand meditation.

History And Formation Of March Crystal

March crystal, which is also called aquamarine, has been used as jewelry and as a decorative stone for hundreds of years. The word "aquamarine" comes from the Latin words "aqua," which means "water," and "marina," which means "of the sea."

March Birthstone - AQUAMARINE! Learn the Crystal Wisdom Benefits of your Birthstone!

This is because the color is similar to the color of the sea. Many ancient cultures, like the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, valued the crystal because they thought it could heal. It is also said that sailors used it as a lucky charm to keep them safe at sea.

Beryl is a mineral made of beryllium, aluminum, and silicate. March crystal is a type of beryl. It is made in rocks like granite and pegmatite, where it is often found in veins and pockets. A process of slow cooling and crystallization, which can take millions of years, makes the crystal.

Impurities like iron and titanium give the crystal its color. The most valuable and sought-after crystalsare clear ones but blue and green ones are also highly prized.

Characteristics And Properties Of March Crystal

Aquamarine is known for its beautiful light blue color. It has a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8.0, which means it is hard and durable. It has a vitreous to sub-adamantine luster, which means that its surface looks smooth and glassy when it reflects light.

Most of the time, the crystal is found in long, thin hexagonal prismatic crystals that can be several feet long. Smaller sizes, which are more common in jewelry, are also available. The crystal can be light blue, dark blue, greenish blue, or even green. Deep blue is the most valuable and most-sought-after color.

Crystals of aquamarine placed on the palm of the hand

People believe that the March crystal has many healing properties and is a strong stone for emotional healing. It is said to help calm the mind and make you feel at peace with yourself.

It is also said to help people talk to each other, express themselves, and make good decisions. It is also said to be a powerful stone for spiritual growth and to help boost intuition and psychic abilities.

It is said to help calm the mind, keep emotions in check, and improve psychic and intuitive abilities. It is also said to be a powerful stone for spiritual growth and to help boost intuition and psychic abilities.

People also say that it is a good stone for communication, self-expression, and making decisions. Its beautiful pale blue color is thought to help people feel calm and at peace with themselves.

This makes it a popular choice for meditation and relieving stress. It is also said to help the throat, lungs, and thyroid, as well as allergies and other breathing problems. It is also said to help calm down a busy mind and give people a more positive outlook.

Uses And Applications Of March Crystal

  • Jewelry:March crystal is a popular choice for jewelry, particularly for engagement and wedding rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Its beautiful pale blue color makes it a perfect addition to any jewelry collection.
  • Healing and meditation:March crystal is believed to possess many healing properties and is often used in crystal healing and meditation. It is said to help calm the mind, promote emotional balance, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Decoration:March crystal is also used as a decorative stone and can be found in various decorative items such as figurines, carvings, and paperweights.
  • Industrial uses:march crystal is also used in various industrial applications such as watchmaking, scientific equipment, and laser technology.
  • Fashion:In the last few years, March Crystal has become more popular in the fashion world. It is used in clothes, accessories, and home decor.
  • Ornamental use:As a gemstone, March crystal is also used in a lot of jewelry, such as rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings, necklaces, and other ornaments.

It's important to remember that the crystal's healing powers are based on tradition and belief, not science. Still, of a lot people find them useful and use them to improve their spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

How To Care For March Crystal?

A woman uses a soft brush, warm water, and a mild cleanser to clean an Aquamarine ring
  • Cleaning:To clean Aquamarine, gently scrub it with a soft toothbrush and mild soap, and warm water. Rinse the crystal thoroughly and dry it with a soft cloth. Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners or harsh chemicals as they can damage the surface of the crystal.
  • Storage:To avoid scratches and damage, store Aquamarine in a soft pouch or a lined jewelry box. Keep it away from other jewelry or hard surfaces that can scratch the crystal. It's best to store it separately from other gems and jewelry to avoid scratches and damage.
  • Avoid exposure to heat and sunlight:Prolonged exposure to heat and sunlight can cause the crystal to fade or discolor. Keep it away from windows or other sources of direct sunlight.
  • Avoid contact with harsh chemicals:Avoid contact with harsh chemicals such as chlorine, bleach, or cleaning solutions. These chemicals can damage or discolor the crystal. Be extra cautious when wearing Aquamarine rings, as the stone may be more delicate than other gems.
  • Careful with the setting:Be careful when wearing Aquamarine jewelry, as the setting may be delicate and can be damaged if hit or caught on something.
  • Professional cleaning:If your Aquamarine jewelry becomes heavily soiled or dull, it may be best to take it to a professional jeweler for cleaning and inspection.

People Also Ask

Why Are There 2 Birthstones For March?

Bloodstone used to be the original March birthstone, but that changed when the stone became less common and March-born people needed an alternative that was easier to get and less expensive. Then, aquamarine was added to the list of March birthstones.

What Is The Color Of March?

Aquamarine is the March birthstone. It has a deep color and has been a sign of youth, health, and hope for a long time. Its beautiful colors, which range from light to dark blue, make me think of the sea.

What Personality Is March?

March babies are said to be happy and optimistic, they will either be a Pisces or an Aries in star sign. Pisces are said to be optimistic, ambitious, and determined. Aries are said to be fiery and passionate.

Final Thoughts

March crystal, also called aquamarine, is a beautiful and versatile stone that has been valued for centuries for its beauty and what people think is its healing powers.

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